Saturday, November 20, 2010

Last day of the Caribbean...what a day!

A huge rain storm hit last night (right after i boasted about the amazing weather, note to self never do that again), it rained like it can only rain in the tropics, until about 9am this morning. It was actually a treat though...we went for an awesome run, as it cooled things down, still TBD if it was mostly sweat or rain soaking us :-) I think it also scared the other tourists from venturing out...or maybe they were all just super duper stoned in their hotels (hmmmmm)

After eating brunch at our favorite spot, Bread and Chocolate (homemade everything, its amazing, better than home) We decided rain or shine we would hit up the Cahuita National Park, which is beach reserve as well as jungle. Soooo glad we did!

This is a huge preserve, and despite my aversion to "walking" (must run, must run, life or lung most be in peril) while we walked probably only 3miles or so ...we saw tons of monkeys, that Nick found before the guides leading other groups (lots of itty bitty babies), costa rican raccoons, and aguiti (a rabbit, guinea pig looking thing). Nick took a portrait of me and a white face monkey, we make a good couple. The beaches were white flat and beautiful, standard.

As we wrap up our stay on the Caribbean side of Costa, here are some tid bits;
  • Despite the 4 hour drive from San Jose, it is well worth the drive, if you are into beautiful empty beaches, amazing jungle, a real non touristy and a laid back vibe!
  • I prefer Puerto Viejo and Punta Uva
  • Manzanillio was cool but a little TJ for my tastes
  • This place is of its own, Reggae central, you almost don't even get a latin feel, and I kind of liked it
  • You might be able to legally smoke pot, very unclear :-)
  • If you have an aversion to Lizards, crunchy bugs (and or random crabs walking in your path) etc. (as I do) prepare yourself (a lot of squealing coming from this chick)
  • Don't come if you aren't prepared to rough it a tad, no resorts here, its a back packers town (for now)
Off to enjoy the last bit of Caribbean Side...

Blog ya lates, xx

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